
Archive for November 18th, 2013

Last week, we marveled that it has already been one year since we moved to Washington, DC, but you’ll probably be as surprised as I was to realize that we’ve already been in our new house for one month.

The new house

The new house

Moving and unpacking takes a quite a bit of effort, and even though we have a couple of boxes left, mostly of decor items I’m not quite ready to put out yet, I’d say we’ve been sufficiently unpacked and settled for a couple of weeks. I’ve found that physically extracting items from boxes is one thing, but finding a new place to put it all is completely another. This is complicated by two facts about our house: 1. my kitchen is much smaller than my previous ones, and 2. we also lack closet space upstairs (we have no coat closet on the main level). This lack of storage means I’ve had to be creative, thoughtful, and intentional about stowing our stuff. However, I couldn’t just leave things in boxes until I had the energy to tackle each problem area, so I initially had to unpack everything and shove it into any space I could find. Now that I’ve lived in the house a little while and see how it flows, I’m going back through these areas and making things more efficient and useful. It’s a slow process, but fortunately I love organizing and optimizing, so I revel in it, maybe just a little more than is healthy for a normal person.


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