
Archive for the ‘Exercise’ Category

A couple of months ago, mostly on a whim, I picked up a Fitbit at as early birthday present. Being a brand new mom as well as a sucker for anything that collects data, a fitness tracker seemed like an interesting, and possibly motivating, gadget. Not only could I be dismayed by an actual record of how little sleep I get, I could also be motivated as begin the gradual increase back to my pre-pregnancy activity level. After a couple of months of near constant use, I thought it would be interesting to share my observations on this wearable fitness tracker.


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For Bart’s birthday in April, I purchased a Groupon for an hour of batting cages in Gaithersburg. We went to one a few years ago with some family back in Arkansas, and it was on our list of things to do again. So when I saw the deal come around, it seemed like a natural thing to do.

Unfortunately, it took us a while to get around to it, since right after Bart’s birthday we got busy with travel and house hunting. But after a rough commute home today (you’re seriously going to close one entire lane of northbound Connecticut Avenue on a Friday afternoon during rush hour? Seriously?), I knew that beating the crud out of something was just what the doctor ordered.

Now, despite watching baseball all the time these days, neither of us know anything about actually playing it. But we grabbed our bats and balls and headed out to our cage. It took a whole 5-gallon bucket of balls each before we got our stride, but before too long we were making contact.

I’m a big wuss, so I whined a lot about the balls being too fast or too slow or too close together or whatever. But I managed to finally get quite a few solid smacks. Take that, road construction.

By the end of the hour, we had blisters on our hands from gripping the bat with our dainty palms. Next time, we need some batting gloves. But we had a good time, and who knows? Judging by the number of players on my fantasy baseball team that keep going on the disabled list, the major leagues might be desperate for some hitters in the near future. You just never know.

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I totally get March snow. In Colorado. I expect blizzards and blizzards of snow there. What on earth is it doing snowing in Washington, D.C.? At least it’s just a snow shower that has no hope of sticking to anything, but still. I guess it’s Monday morning, so what else would you expect? It is absolutely time for spring to make its entrance, which it shall formally do on Wednesday.

Bart and I had a pretty low-key weekend, probably because we’re saving up our awesome weekend-ness for the coming one. More details on that as it transpires! This weekend, we went to a seminar at a local church, ran a few errands, exercised, poked at our taxes some more, visited yet another new church, relaxed by the fire, and finished a DIY home project we’ve been working on the last few weeks (the details of which should also be forthcoming). All in all, a nice weekend.

Now it’s time for a new week, and likewise a new Goal of the Week. My first priority for this week is to finish said taxes. I think I finally have the federal part done, so now it’s time for the two state returns, and then I can be rid of this nastiness until next year. I realize many people have much more complicated returns than us, but I did work two jobs in two different states, moved across country, sold a home, and graduated from a degree program this year…I’m just glad it isn’t more complicated than that.

The second priority for the week is to keep exercising each day for 20-30 minutes. I feel good when I do, and getting stronger and fitter is surely a good thing. I also have it in my head that I’d like to start running again when the weather improves (I confess: I’m a wimp. I hate running in the cold), so indoor training is a great way to keep my endurance from flatlining while I wait to hit the trail. I really need a 5K to train for specifically this spring…

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